
Regional Vicariate

Carmelite Friars P. O. Box 363
Morogoro - Tanzania

Tel : 00255-739 424 023
Mobile, Superior: 00255-763 222 210
Mobile, Vicar: 00255-788 804 163

Kihonda, is the first canonical erected community of the Carmelites in Tanzania. On the significant day of 24 November 1988, history was made as Kihonda was canonically erected. It was a momentous occasion, marking the culmination of years of longing, where the Carmelite Order found a cherished home in Tanzania. The dedication of this house to the patronage of Our Lady, the cherished protector of the Carmelite Order, is a testament to the profound spiritual connection that permeates every corner of Kihonda.

From the early years of the establishment of the first house in Morogoro, our friars tried to implant the Carmelite Order. The mission hence started to recruit local students for their secondary education in 1990. This was known as the community center of the Carmelites. Students who had completed their primary education, mostly from the interior villages were taken in to do their secondary education and at the same time were taught about Carmel, the spirituality and so on. One of the boys of the first group who were cared for by us there became the first Tanzanian Regional Vicar of Carmelites, Fr. Sylvester Isaya Msemwa in 2017.


Fr Elius Malale

Regional Vicar

Fr Reginald Mworia

Delegate Superior
Director of Carmel Primary School
Parochial Vicar

Fr Peter Chami

Vicariate Bursar
Director of Postulants

Fr Simon Rupoli

Parish Priest
Local Vocation Promotor

Fr Elius Malale

Regional Vicar

Fr Reginald Mworia

Delegate Superior

Other units and Apostolate:


Carmel Pre & Primary School


Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish/one outstation


Secular Carmel (OCDS)