“…we must form many priests who love Jesus! And who handle Him with the same tenderness with which Mary handled Him in His cradle” (Letter of St. Therese 101)

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Vicariate of Tanzania

Vocation to Carmel

A Vocation to discalced Carmel is a call to live a life of allegiance to Jesus Christ. It is a call towards union with God through Prayer, which results to openness to the Church and to the humanity. Through prayer life, one shares with the Church and the humanity the Joy and hope, sorrow and anguish. These aspects are experienced in the community life which involves equality, fraternal freedom, joyfulness, simplicity and mutual relationship, embraced in the spirit of contemplation.

Process of Formation

Our Formation includes Four Stages which are:
01. Orientation Course
02. Postulancy
03. Novitiate
04. Philosophate and Theologate

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Orientation Course

When the two disciples of John the Baptist heard their master pointing to Jesus as “Lamb of God”, the disciples were moved to follow Jesus. When Jesus sees them following Him, he asked them, “what do you seek?” Their answer was, “Rabbi where do you stay”, and Jesus answered “come and see”. Ref. Jh 1/35-39. Orientation is an initial period of one year, where coming, seeing and experiencing the beauty of the Garden of Mt. Carmel. Our Charism is prayer at the service of the church. Therefore, during this Course of one year, a candidate is introduced to prayer life in its two aspects which are Communal and Personal, introduction to Psalms, introduction to Carmelite Saints, Liturgy and communal sharing. With the help of Orientation Director, a candidate is introduced to the process of discerning his vocation. At the end of the year, Orientation Director with the help of the formation community examines critically the candidate before promoting him to the second stage of the formation.

1. Alex Joseph Katabi
2. Divadhent Mgala
3. Aziz Eliud Christian
4. Henrick Cornelu Nganga
5. Fredrick Alex Ngassa
6. Bruno Bernanrd Changachanga
7. Asheli Musa Nkohozi

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Postulancy is the period of “peep-in” experience. At this stage of formation, a candidate is presumed in someway has assimilated something of our way of life as the result of one year Orientation Course prior to Postulancy. Therefore, with the help of the Postulancy Director, the candidate is introduced to Lectio Divina, History of Carmelite Saints with emphasis on our Holy Parents, namely St. Teresa of Jesus and John of the Cross and History of the Order. At the end of the year, the candidate is scrutinized and having proved suitable is promoted to the third stage of formation which is Novitiate.

01. Silvano Severine Stephano
02. Oscar Faustine Massawe
03. Edward Mwita Koroso

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Religious life begins officially in this stage of formation. Novitiate offers an opportunity for the candidate to experience the way of life of the Order in its fulness, while testing his intention and suitability. In this stage candidate is introduced to the Sacred Scripture, Carmelite Spirituality, Community life and Writings of our Holy Parents.

01. Jovinus Johanes
02. Melchizedeck Massawe

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The completion of Novitiate is marked by Simple Profession. The candidate to the Priesthood as per the requirements of the Universal Church has to undergo Philosophical studies which is 3 years and Theological studies which is 4 years. Candidate will have to meet the requirement of Tanzania Commission of Universities (TCU) in order to be enrolled to Jordan University College for these studies.

At the beginning of the fourth year of Theology a brother may be promoted for Final Profession and Ordination to Diaconate. After completion of the fourth year, the brother who by then is a Deacon may be promoted for Priestly Ordination.

01. Br. Inosent Pamfil
02. Br. Faraja Mpussi
03. Br. Emily Epafradito

01. Br. Paul Mbwambo
02. Br. Joachim Ndiale
03. Br. Philipo Charles
04. Br. Nezarius Cleophace

01. Br. Amosi Paschal
02. Br. Edward Tarimo
03. Br. John Makoye
04. Br. Daniel Augustine
05. Br. Santius Savinius
06. Br. Leo Mambombotela

01. Br. Datius Prosper

01. Br. Samson Charles Mangee
02. Br. Ludovick Earnes Masanja
03. Br. John J. Petro
04. Br. Adrianus Mushumbus
05. Br. Gasper Mathew
06. Br. Yohannes Mbogho
07. Br. Godfrey Rogati

01. Br. Maziku Thomas
02. Br. Patrick Kassuwi

01. Br. Michael Christian
02. Br. Peter Ulaya

Don’t you feel
you are called by God?

  • Do you Want to Serve God in the Garden of Carmel?
  • Then why delay?

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To be a Carmelite:

“…we must form many priests who love Jesus! And who handle Him with the same tenderness with which Mary handled Him in His cradle” ”

- Letter of St. Therese 101

Vicariate of Tanzania

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