Youth Feast Day At Mpandangindo


Youth Feast Day At Mpandangindo

31st of January is the feast of St. Don Bosco, the Patron of the youth. The youth of St. Martin of Tours Parish, Mpandagindo celebrated their patron’s day in a simple manner but in a very meaningful way. It was Sunday, the festive mass was presided over by the youth Chaplin of the Archdiocese of Songea, Rev. Fr. StephanoMuwonge and concelebrated by the Parish Priest, Fr. Roshan Pinto OCD and Fr. Raymond Santhanaz OCD. The youth themselves had their own choir for the mass and organized the liturgy. A few youth leaders from the Archdiocese also were present for the celebration. After the mass there was a seminar on “Marriage”, for all the youth of the parish given by a well-known charismatic and youth leader Mr. Prosper Kipela from Mateka, our other would be parish in the town. After the seminar there was a short programme and also conducted a small auctioning to collect money for their group. Then Fr. Roshan Pinto, the Parish Priest distributed pictures of Divine Mercy and Rosary for all those present for the celebration as a souvenir. The youth in a special way thanked Fr. Roshan Pinto their parish priest and Sr. Sonia UMI their directress for their support and collaboration. Everything was well organized by the youth. 


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