Discalced Carmelites

Cloistered Carmel Nuns

Vicariate of Tanzania

Cloistered Carmel Nuns

The Cloistered Carmel
Post Box - 38
Bunda - Mara


Sr. Celine of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Prioress)

Sr. Nirmala Therese of the Blessed Trinity

Sr. Teresa Margaret of the Incarnation

Sr. Gabriella of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary

Sr. Lizbeth of the Trinity

Sr. Eliza of St. John of the Cross

Sr. Jyothi Maria of the Immaculate Heart

Sr. Fides of the Blessed Trinity

Sr. Teresa Beatrice of Jesus

Sr. Maria Lucia of the Little Flower

A Short History:
A Vocation to discalced Carmel is a call to live a life of allegiance to Jesus Christ. It is a call towards union with God through Prayer, which results to openness to the Church and to the humanity. Through prayer life, one shares with the Church and the humanity the Joy and hope, sorrow and anguish. These aspects are experienced in the community life whichIt may look strange but true that the mission of the Carmelite friars from the Karnataka Goa Province in Africa is almost coterminous with the foundation of the Province itself. Perhaps this was a worthy tribute to St. Teresa who sent a batch of missionaries to Africa in her lifetime. The nuns, too, felt they should not lag behind. Since it was a first overseas foundation venture it was agreed to garner the participation of as many Carmels as possible in the SW regional association. The letter of the bishop of Musoma, located on Lake Victoria in Tanzania received a positive response from the Indian Carmel for the 2000 jubilee year of salvation. Mother Gemma who was the association president along with Mother Teresa Margaret and Mother Rosemira embarked on a fact-finding mission to explore the land and enter into a deeper dialogue with the bishop. The visit was fruitful and optimism dawned for a foundation with Sr. Rosmira as leader of the group. Eight Sisters volunteered and on the suggestion of the then Superior General a live-in experience period was agreed upon and the volunteers gathered in Hassan Carmel to live as a quasi-autonomous community. However, Sr. Rosmira had to back out due to serious illness, and Sr.Agnes of Mary from Pune Carmel stepped in to fill the breach.
After taking sufficient time to be acclimatized to the culture, language, food habits and the marauding illnesses, the pioneers unanimously decided to build the first Cloistered Carmel on the soil of Tanzania at Bunda in the vicinity of Serengeti national park known as the cradle of humanity in 2001. But soon the Pune community recalled Mother Agnes as her services were indispensable. Mother Margaret was elected in her place and the reduced group courageously went ahead against all odds.
The Bishop received the land from the government for a parish church precisely for this Carmel. The community settled down in an abandoned parish house nearby with very limited facilities.

The Sisters adjusted heroically and braced themselves for the challenges ahead as true daughters of St. Teresa. The intense efforts to find the finances and ensure right persons to handle the work went through even with some painful events as well as joyful surprises. The Indian, Christian and non-Christian friends around were of great help and the building work progressed smoothly until its date of completion, 16 July 2005. This Carmel has been dedicated to our Lady of Mt. Carmel. Because this Carmel was within the province's pastoral jurisdiction, it was entrusted to the pastoral care of the Regional Vicar of Tanzania. Although the community there counts only seven members, there are good signs that the Carmels in India might send more volunteers. Meanwhile the community in Bunda is working strenuously for indigenous vocations with the hope that God will answer their prayer speedily. involves equality, fraternal freedom, joyfulness, simplicity and mutual relationship, embraced in the spirit of contemplation.

Vicariate of Tanzania

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