MBEZI LUIS, Dar Es Salaam
St Peter Claver
Mbezi Luis
Carmelite Friars
Mbezi Luis Parish
P.O..Box 6813
Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Mobile: +255-762 007 000
Divine providence miraculously contributed to the following chapter of Carmelite missions in Tanzania, by opening up an opportunity to establish, St. Peter Claver Parish Community in the Archdiocese of Dar Es Salaam. Rev. Fr. Marlon Rodrigues, the then Mission Superior, had gone to meet His Eminence Polycarp Cardinal Pengo, the archbishop of Dar Es Salaam, for requesting endorsement for some project, and it is during this moment, the Cardinal requested the Carmelites to take Mbezi Louis Parish. Armed with proper permission from the concerned superiors, Carmelites took up Mbezi Louis Parish officially on 12th March 2000. And since then, have worked tirelessly in transformed the parish contributing to the spiritual welfare of the faithful. And we can proudly point to the fact that this parish which in 2000 had only 3 outstations, today has given birth to 9 full pledged parishes, owing to the hard work and the dedication of Carmelites.