“You must keep before your eyes without ceasing the example of the holy fathers of the past, who lived in such perfect unity of mind and heart that they felt their hearts and souls were one.” -Rule of Albert 10
Morogoro -
Morogoro -
Morogoro -
St Peter Claver Parish
Mbezi Luis -
St Therese Parish
Mbezi, Mwisho -
St John of the Cross Parish
Malamba Mawili -
Malisho -
Songea -
Friars Abroad

Regional Vicariate
Carmelite Friars P. O. Box 363
Morogoro - Tanzania
Tel : 00255-739 424 023
Mobile, Superior: 00255-763 222 210
Mobile, Vicar: 00255-788 804 163
E-mail: ocdtanzania@yahoo.com
Kihonda, is the first canonical erected community of the Carmelites in Tanzania. On the significant day of 24 November 1988, history was made as Kihonda was canonically erected. It was a momentous occasion, marking the culmination of years of longing, where the Carmelite Order found a cherished home in Tanzania. The dedication of this house to the patronage of Our Lady, the cherished protector of the Carmelite Order, is a testament to the profound spiritual connection that permeates every corner of Kihonda.
From the early years of the establishment of the first house in Morogoro, our friars tried to implant the Carmelite Order. The mission hence started to recruit local students for their secondary education in 1990. This was known as the community center of the Carmelites. Students who had completed their primary education, mostly from the interior villages were taken in to do their secondary education and at the same time were taught about Carmel, the spirituality and so on. One of the boys of the first group who were cared for by us there became the first Tanzanian Regional Vicar of Carmelites, Fr. Sylvester Isaya Msemwa in 2017.
Fr Elius Malale
Regional Vicar
Fr Reginald Mworia
Delegate Superior
Director of Carmel Primary School
Parochial Vicar
Fr Peter Chami
Vicariate Bursar
Director of Postulants
Fr Simon Rupoli
Parish Priest
Local Vocation Promotor

Fr Elius Malale
Regional Vicar

Fr Reginald Mworia
Delegate Superior
Other units and Apostolate:
Carmel Pre & Primary School
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish/one outstation
Secular Carmel (OCDS)
KOLA, Morogoro

Philosophy & Theologate
Carmelite Friars
P. O. Box 363, Kola Hills
Morogoro - Tanzania
Mob: 00255-622 930 426
Kola Carmel College, as is fondly known, is the first major formation house that is established in the Regional Vicariate of Tanzania. This house was established under the patronage of St. Edith Stein, with the goal of housing the scholastics, while attending their ecclesiastical studies in the philosophy and theology institute located very near to the community. In spite of severe financial contstraints Rev. Fr. Marlon Rodrigues, together with missionaries, took this bold step in beginning to establish this edifice in the year 2001, but the work completed and was inaugurated in 2002 on All saint’s day, by Rev. Fr. Archibald Gonsalves, the Vicar Provincial of the Karnataka Goa province. From 4th November 2002, this house has become a sanctuary to the Carmelite Scholastics, aspiring to priesthood.
Fr Renatus Payovela
Superior & Rector
Fr George Masambu
Regional Vocation Promoter

Fr Elius Malale
Rector and Formator
MALOLO, Morogoro

Carmelite Friars
Malolo - Mission
P.O.Box 135
Mikumi - Tanzania
Mobile: +255-687 600 635
Nestled amidst the natural splendor of Kilosa district in the Morogoro region, approximately 220 kilometers from Morogoro town, lies the picturesque village of Malolo. Here, surrounded by majestic mountains and nourished by the life-giving waters of the great Ruaha river, the Carmelite Community has found its cherished home – endearingly known as Malolo Mission. Malolo Mission is a testament to the unwavering commitment of the Carmelite missionaries to serve both the spiritual and humanitarian needs of the local community.
This village, with its fertile lands on the banks of the Ruaha river, has become a sacred ground where faith meets the bounties of nature. In the year 1989, Malolo Mission took its first breath, becoming the second canonical erected community of the Regional Vicariate. Since its beginning, it has been a source of solace, inspiration, and hope for those that have been touched by its life and vibrancy. Here, amidst the serene beauty of the landscape, the Carmelites have sown the seeds of faith, nurturing spiritual growth and offering a helping hand to those in need. It is a tale of faith blossoming in the most fertile of grounds, both in the hearts of its residents and in the natural beauty that surrounds them.
Fr Aureus Mwinuka
Director of Carmel Sec. School
Fr Prosper Kaiza
Director of the Orientation Course
Fr John Muna
Parish Priest
Local Vocation Promotor
Fr Theophil Wabukundi
Other units and Apostolate:
Malolo Parish with 10 Substations
Carmel Secondary School
OCDS - Secular Carmelite Order
MBEZI LUIS, Dar Es Salaam

St Peter Claver
Mbezi Luis
Carmelite Friars
Mbezi Luis Parish
P.O..Box 6813
Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Mobile: +255-762 007 000
Divine providence miraculously contributed to the following chapter of Carmelite missions in Tanzania, by opening up an opportunity to establish, St. Peter Claver Parish Community in the Archdiocese of Dar Es Salaam. Rev. Fr. Marlon Rodrigues, the then Mission Superior, had gone to meet His Eminence Polycarp Cardinal Pengo, the archbishop of Dar Es Salaam, for requesting endorsement for some project, and it is during this moment, the Cardinal requested the Carmelites to take Mbezi Louis Parish. Armed with proper permission from the concerned superiors, Carmelites took up Mbezi Louis Parish officially on 12th March 2000. And since then, have worked tirelessly in transformed the parish contributing to the spiritual welfare of the faithful. And we can proudly point to the fact that this parish which in 2000 had only 3 outstations, today has given birth to 9 full pledged parishes, owing to the hard work and the dedication of Carmelites.
Fr Sylvester Msemwa
Superior & Parish Priest
Fr Abel Mbogho
Parochial Vicar
Local Vocation Promotor
Fr Edwin Mushi
Director of Carmelite Secondary School
OCDS Delegate
Parochial Vicar
Other units and Apostolate:
Mbezi Luis parish
St Therese of the Child Jesus Primary School ( Diocesan School)
Secular Carmel (OCDS)
Carmelite Secondary, Msigani

St Therese Parish
Mbezi Mwisho
Carmelite Fathers
St Therese Church
P. O. Box 80157
Dar Es Salam - Tanzania
Mob: +255-782 639 353
The history of this parish is remarkable and interesting. Because, the church building at St. Peter Claver parish was very small and could not accommodate many people, they had bought a piece of land in Mazulu area in the year 2002, keeping in mind possibly shifting St. Peter Claver Parish there. But the plan of God was different. When His Eminence Polycarp Cardinal Pengo came in July 2005, for the confirmation of the children of the parish, laid the foundation for a small chapel to be built for the people of Mazulu to pray, because of growing number of faithful in the area. On completion of the construction this was made the substation, giving it the name of St. Therese of Child Jesus in June 2006.
Later up on giving up the idea of shifting St. Peter Claver Parish, headquarters to Mazulu, on 6th October 2007, His Eminence Polycarp Cardinal Pengo proclaimed it as the full-fledged parish and offered it to the Carmelites to cater to the spiritual needs of the people.
Fr Vivian Menezes
Parish Priest, St Therese Parish
Fr Urban Dimona
Parochial Vicar
Fr Nelson Vas
Parish Priest, St Simon Stock Parish
Other units and Apostolate:
Mbezi Mwisho Parish
Kindergarten (Diocesan school)
Secular Carmel (OCDS)

St John of the Cross Parish
Malamba, Mawili
Carmelite Fathers
P. O. Box 10889
Dar Es Salam - Tanzania
Mobile: +255-787 894 533
In the year 2003, faithful belonging to the small Christian community of St. Antony of Padua of St. Peter Claver Parish, Mbezi Louis began praying at Malamba Mawili, in the plot of land they had acquired. In 2004 a chapel was built after realizing the need for a structured place of worship. In 2008 this chapel was given a facelift, and further in 2009, it was declared as substation of St. Peter Claver Parish after having placed under the patronage of St. John of the Cross. Then on 7th July, 2017 this was made fully pledged parish by His Eminence Polycarp Cardinal Pengo.
Fr Praveen Frank
Director of Carmel Primary School
Fr Laurence Stanislaus Rodrigues
Parish Priest
Fr Wilfred Pais
Lecturer at Segerea Major Seminary
Other units and Apostolate:
St John of the Cross Parish, Malamba Mawili
Carmelite Primary School
Secular Carmel (OCDS)
MBEYA, Malisho

Novitiate House
Carmelite Community
Malolo - Mission
P. O. Box 203
Uyole, Mbeya- Tanzania
Mobile: +255-623 717 104
E-Mail: malishoocd@yahoo.com
Uyole ‘A’, is the place, where the next chapter in the Carmelite journey unfolds. Malisho, which in Swahili translates to “pastures” aptly is the third canonically erected Carmelite Community in Tanzania, a sacred oasis of spiritual growth, and quenching thirst for the divine. This community’s journey began in the year 2000, with the acquisition of land, where the Carmelites initially resided in the old residence until their new home was completed. The Community is placed under the patronage of the Little Flower, St. Thérèse of Lisieux. Malisho Novitiate Community is a haven where novices embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and growth in their Carmelite Vocation. Surrounded by the tranquil beauty of its name, this community offers the ideal setting for contemplation, prayer, and the deepening of one’s relationship with God. We are reminded that, like pastures that nourish and sustain, this community serves as a source of spiritual nourishment and guidance for those who seek a deeper connection with the divine.
Fr Raymond Santhanaz
Fr Roshan Pinto
Novice Master
Fr Sunil Menezes
Director of Carmel School
Parochial Vicar
Local Voc. Promoter
Fr Baptist Fernandes
Parish Priest
Other units and Apostolate:
Spirituality Center
Uyole Parish with 7 Outstations
Carmel Primary School

Carmelite Fathers
P. O. Box 380
Songea, Tanzania
Mobile: +255-693 407 865
After a long and exhaustive search, St. Martin of Tours Parish in Mpandangindo was chosen as the next Carmelite mission in Tanzania. On December 14th, 2003 on the solemnity of our Holy Father St. John of the Cross, Rev. Fr. Denis Misquith was installed as the first Carmelite Parish Priest at St. Martin of Tours Parish by His Grace Norbert Mtega, Archbishop of Songea Aarchdiocese, officiating the Holy Eucharist in the presence of Very Rev. Fr. Archibald Gonsalves, the Vice Provincial of the Karnataka-Goa Province in India, Fr. Marlon Rodrigues the Regional Vicar of Tanzania, and some friars namely Walter D’Souza, Baptist Fernandes and Raymond Santhanaz.
Fr Joyson Saldanha
Parish Priest
Local Vocation Promotor
Fr Clifford Dsouza
Parochial Vicar
Other units and Apostolate:
Mpandagindo Parish with 3 Substations
Friars Abroad
Friars of the Mission are not only to be found in Tanzania. For reasons of both service and study, a number of our Friars may be stationed elsewhere around the world. Currently, we have Friars living abroad in the United States and Italy.
Friars Studying Abroad

Fr Siprian Kihwele
Kihonda, Morogoro

Carmelite Friars P. O. Box 363
Morogoro - Tanzania
Tel : 00255-739 424 023
Mobile, Superior: 00255-763 222 210
Mobile, Vicar: 00255-788 804 163
E-mail: ocdtanzania@yahoo.com
Kihonda, is the first canonical erected community of the Carmelites in Tanzania. On the significant day of 24 November 1988, history was made as Kihonda was canonically erected. It was a momentous occasion, marking the culmination of years of longing, where the Carmelite Order found a cherished home in Tanzania. The dedication of this house to the patronage of Our Lady, the cherished protector of the Carmelite Order, is a testament to the profound spiritual connection that permeates every corner of Kihonda.
From the early years of the establishment of the first house in Morogoro, our friars tried to implant the Carmelite Order. The mission hence started to recruit local students for their secondary education in 1990. This was known as the community center of the Carmelites. Students who had completed their primary education, mostly from the interior villages were taken in to do their secondary education and at the same time were taught about Carmel, the spirituality and so on. One of the boys of the first group who were cared for by us there became the first Tanzanian Regional Vicar of Carmelites, Fr. Sylvester Isaya Msemwa in 2017.
Fr Elius Malale
Regional Vicar
Fr Reginald Mworia
Delegate Superior
Director of Carmel Primary School
Parochial Vicar
Fr Peter Chami
Vicariate Bursar
Director of Postulants
Fr Simon Rupoli
Parish Priest
Local Vocation Promotor

Fr Elius Malale
Regional Vicar

Fr Reginald Mworia
Delegate Superior
Other units and Apostolate:
Carmel Pre & Primary School
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish/one outstation
Secular Carmel (OCDS)

Philosophy & Theologate
Carmelite Friars
P. O. Box 363, Kola Hills
Morogoro - Tanzania
Mob: 00255-622 930 426
Kola Carmel College, as is fondly known, is the first major formation house that is established in the Regional Vicariate of Tanzania. This house was established under the patronage of St. Edith Stein, with the goal of housing the scholastics, while attending their ecclesiastical studies in the philosophy and theology institute located very near to the community. In spite of severe financial contstraints Rev. Fr. Marlon Rodrigues, together with missionaries, took this bold step in beginning to establish this edifice in the year 2001, but the work completed and was inaugurated in 2002 on All saint’s day, by Rev. Fr. Archibald Gonsalves, the Vicar Provincial of the Karnataka Goa province. From 4th November 2002, this house has become a sanctuary to the Carmelite Scholastics, aspiring to priesthood.
Fr Renatus Payovela
Superior & Rector
Fr George Masambu
Regional Vocation Promoter

Fr Elius Malale
Rector and Formator

Carmelite Friars
Malolo - Mission
P.O.Box 135
Mikumi - Tanzania
Mobile: +255-623 717 104
Nestled amidst the natural splendor of Kilosa district in the Morogoro region, approximately 220 kilometers from Morogoro town, lies the picturesque village of Malolo. Here, surrounded by majestic mountains and nourished by the life-giving waters of the great Ruaha river, the Carmelite Community has found its cherished home – endearingly known as Malolo Mission. Malolo Mission is a testament to the unwavering commitment of the Carmelite missionaries to serve both the spiritual and humanitarian needs of the local community.
This village, with its fertile lands on the banks of the Ruaha river, has become a sacred ground where faith meets the bounties of nature. In the year 1989, Malolo Mission took its first breath, becoming the second canonical erected community of the Regional Vicariate. Since its beginning, it has been a source of solace, inspiration, and hope for those that have been touched by its life and vibrancy. Here, amidst the serene beauty of the landscape, the Carmelites have sown the seeds of faith, nurturing spiritual growth and offering a helping hand to those in need. It is a tale of faith blossoming in the most fertile of grounds, both in the hearts of its residents and in the natural beauty that surrounds them.
Fr Aureus Mwinuka
Director of Carmel Secondary School
Fr John Muna
Parish Priest
Fr Prosper Kaiza
Fr Theophil Wabukundi
Other units and Apostolate:
Malolo Parish with 10 Substations
Carmel Secondary School
OCDS - Secular Carmelite Order
Mbezi Luis, Dar Es Salaam

St Peter Claver
Mbezi Luis
Carmelite Friars
Mbezi Luis Parish
P.O..Box 6813
Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Mobile: +255-686 920 470
Divine providence miraculously contributed to the following chapter of Carmelite missions in Tanzania, by opening up an opportunity to establish, St. Peter Claver Parish Community in the Archdiocese of Dar Es Salaam. Rev. Fr. Marlon Rodrigues, the then Mission Superior, had gone to meet His Eminence Polycarp Cardinal Pengo, the archbishop of Dar Es Salaam, for requesting endorsement for some project, and it is during this moment, the Cardinal requested the Carmelites to take Mbezi Louis Parish. Armed with proper permission from the concerned superiors, Carmelites took up Mbezi Louis Parish officially on 12th March 2000. And since then, have worked tirelessly in transformed the parish contributing to the spiritual welfare of the faithful. And we can proudly point to the fact that this parish which in 2000 had only 3 outstations, today has given birth to 9 full pledged parishes, owing to the hard work and the dedication of Carmelites.
Fr Sylvester Mwemwa
Superior & Parish Priest
Fr Edwin Mushi
Director of Carmelite Secondary School
OCDS Delegate
Parochial Vicar
Fr Abel Mbogho
Parochial Vicar
Local Vocation Promotor
Other units and Apostolate:
Mbezi Luis parish
St Therese of the Child Jesus Primary School ( Diocesan School)
Secular Carmel (OCDS)
Carmelite Secondary, Msigani

St Therese Parish
Mbezi Mwisho
Carmelite Fathers
St Therese Church
P. O. Box 80157
Dar Es Salam - Tanzania
Mob: +255-782 639 353
The history of this parish is remarkable and interesting. Because, the church building at St. Peter Claver parish was very small and could not accommodate many people, they had bought a piece of land in Mazulu area in the year 2002, keeping in mind possibly shifting St. Peter Claver Parish there. But the plan of God was different. When His Eminence Polycarp Cardinal Pengo came in July 2005, for the confirmation of the children of the parish, laid the foundation for a small chapel to be built for the people of Mazulu to pray, because of growing number of faithful in the area. On completion of the construction this was made the substation, giving it the name of St. Therese of Child Jesus in June 2006.
Later up on giving up the idea of shifting St. Peter Claver Parish, headquarters to Mazulu, on 6th October 2007, His Eminence Polycarp Cardinal Pengo proclaimed it as the full-fledged parish and offered it to the Carmelites to cater to the spiritual needs of the people.
Fr Vivian Menezes
Parish Priest, St Therese Parish
Fr Nelson Vaz
Parish Priest, St Simon Stock Parish
Fr Urban Dimona
Parochial Vicar
Other units and Apostolate:
Mbezi Mwisho Parish
Kindergarten (Diocesan school)
Secular Carmel (OCDS)
Carmelite Secondary, Msigani

St John of the Cross Parish
Malamba, Mawili
Carmelite Fathers
P. O. Box 10889
Dar Es Salam - Tanzania
Mobile: +255-625 857 586
In the year 2003, faithful belonging to the small Christian community of St. Antony of Padua of St. Peter Claver Parish, Mbezi Louis began praying at Malamba Mawili, in the plot of land they had acquired. In 2004 a chapel was built after realizing the need for a structured place of worship. In 2008 this chapel was given a facelift, and further in 2009, it was declared as substation of St. Peter Claver Parish after having placed under the patronage of St. John of the Cross. Then on 7th July, 2017 this was made fully pledged parish by His Eminence Polycarp Cardinal Pengo.
Fr Praveen Frank
Director of Carmel Primary School
Fr Laurence Stanislaus Rodrigues
Parish Priest
Fr Wilfred Pais
Lecturer at Segerea Major Seminary
Other units and Apostolate:
St John of the Cross Parish, Malamba Mawili
Carmelite Primary School
Secular Carmel (OCDS)

Novitiate House
Carmelite Community
Malolo - Mission
P. O. Box 203
Uyole, Mbeya- Tanzania
Mobile: +255-756 332 619
E-Mail: malishoocd@yahoo.com
Uyole ‘A’, is the place, where the next chapter in the Carmelite journey unfolds. Malisho, which in Swahili translates to “pastures” aptly is the third canonically erected Carmelite Community in Tanzania, a sacred oasis of spiritual growth, and quenching thirst for the divine. This community’s journey began in the year 2000, with the acquisition of land, where the Carmelites initially resided in the old residence until their new home was completed. The Community is placed under the patronage of the Little Flower, St. Thérèse of Lisieux. Malisho Novitiate Community is a haven where novices embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and growth in their Carmelite Vocation. Surrounded by the tranquil beauty of its name, this community offers the ideal setting for contemplation, prayer, and the deepening of one’s relationship with God. We are reminded that, like pastures that nourish and sustain, this community serves as a source of spiritual nourishment and guidance for those who seek a deeper connection with the divine.
Fr Raymond Santhanaz
Director of OCDS
Fr Roshan Pinto
Novice Master
Fr Baptist Fernandes
Parish Priest
Fr Sunil Menezes
Director of Carmel Primary School
Other units and Apostolate:
Spirituality Center
Uyole Parish with 7 Outstations
Carmel Primary School

Carmelite Fathers
P. O. Box 380
Songea, Tanzania
Mobile: +255-738 122 656
Mobile: +255-753 807 753
After a long and exhaustive search, St. Martin of Tours Parish in Mpandangindo was chosen as the next Carmelite mission in Tanzania. On December 14th, 2003 on the solemnity of our Holy Father St. John of the Cross, Rev. Fr. Denis Misquith was installed as the first Carmelite Parish Priest at St. Martin of Tours Parish by His Grace Norbert Mtega, Archbishop of Songea Aarchdiocese, officiating the Holy Eucharist in the presence of Very Rev. Fr. Archibald Gonsalves, the Vice Provincial of the Karnataka-Goa Province in India, Fr. Marlon Rodrigues the Regional Vicar of Tanzania, and some friars namely Walter D’Souza, Baptist Fernandes and Raymond Santhanaz.
Fr Joyson Saldanha
Parish Priest
Fr Clifford Dsouza
Other units and Apostolate:
Mpandagindo Parish with 3 Substations
Friars Abroad
Friars of the Mission are not only to be found in Tanzania. For reasons of both service and study, a number of our Friars may be stationed elsewhere around the world. Currently, we have Friars living abroad in the United States and Italy.
Friars Studying Abroad

Fr Siprian Kihwele
“You must keep before your eyes without ceasing the example of the holy fathers of the past, who lived in such perfect unity of mind and heart that they felt their hearts and souls were one.”
- Rule of Albert 10