22nd November 2023, was a great day of rejoicing at St. James Parish, Uyole as the faithful and clergy came together to celebrate silver Jubilee of its existence. It was indeed a great day full of blessings, which would forever be etched in the annals of history. On 16th November 1997, St. James Parish was created. And now it was a day to remember and thank the Lord for guiding the parish in its spiritual journey for all these years. After yearlong preparations, the parishnors rejoiced at the numerous blessings God bestowed on them through the instrumentality of the Uyole parish.

On this festive day around 130 children received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Most. Rev. Archbishop Gervas J.M. Nyaisonga, the Local Ordinary presided over the Eucharist. Rev. Fr. Elius Malale OCD, Regional Vicar of Discalced Carmelites in Tanzania, Rev. Fr. Baptist Fernandes OCD, the parish priest, Rev. Fr. Raymond Santhanaz OCD, superior of Malisho Carmelite Community, Fr. Godfrey Mwasekaga Vicar General of Mbeya Archdiocese, as well as many other Carmelite, diocesan clergy and religious both men and women, joined the archbishop in the Eucharistic celebrations.

In his homily the Archbishop invited the faithful to thank the Lord for all the blessing he has bestowed on the parish and its faithful. The Lord has been gracious in endowing success in all its endevours. He reminded the parishnors, that whole the journey of 25 years is one of service and faithfulness to the Lord. He said that service is the hallmark of Christian calling, Jesus our Lord himself expressed it in his life. Further St. James the apostle, patron saint of the parish, St. Cecilia Virgin and Martyr whom the Church commemorates on the day all bore witness of faithfulness to the Lord and to a life of love and service. Therefore, people of God, of Uyole parish, ought also to imitate their example, while continuing on further on this journey of faith.

On 21st November 2023, on the eve of the silver jubilee celebrations, Rev. Fr. Elius Malale OCD the Regional Vicar of Discalced Carmelites in Tanzania, inaugurated the vigil. He presided over the concelebrated Eucharist. In his homily the Regional Vicar invited the faithful to seek the Lord always, in spite of all the trials and challenges seek the Lord. He said that let us not allow anything or anyone from finding Jesus, just like Zacheus, who did not worry too much about external obstacles and thus could find Jesus.