It was another great day for St. Martin of Tours Parish, Mpandagindo in the Archdiocese of Songea as thirty six boys and girls received the Sacrament of Confirmation on the 27th of September 2016. Very Rev. Vicar General, Camillus Haule presided over the Eucharist and administered the Sacrament of Confirmation and Frs. Roshan Pinto, Dolphy D’Souza and Raymond Santhanaz concelebrated. After the Holy Communion the Confirmation candidates were felicitated by the parents and their guardians and also by the Parish Priest, Fr. Roshan Pinto. It was followed by the felicitation and thanking of the catechists who taught them catechism for almost nine months. After that the Vicar General was presented with the report of the Parish by the chairman of the Parish and then was given a gift by the parish leaders. The Vicar General was felicitated after mass since it was the Silver Jubilee of his Sacerdotal Ordination. After the mass Confirmation candidates along with the leaders of the Parish were served a grand meal.